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Branding & Identity
Why Spend Money on Branding?
A brand is a product or service that a customer can build a relationship with.
Why? Because it behaves like a person! Customers can have expectations of a brand, they know what is stands for and what it won't stand for.
As such customers will defend their brand choices and pay more for them.
Creating a brand identity is akin to having a child, naming it and choosing it's wardrobe; then choosing it's entire personality, all its behavioural traits, its opinions, how it speaks, what it says, does not say, all it's likes and dislikes. No small thing. The reward is a sustained and growing customer base and bottom line.
At Tootsweet Concepts, we design brands from the ground up using solid, future-facing, foundation blocks.
For SMEs and newly launched products or services, this doesn't have to be a big draw on your time or finances. The key is to get the right foundation in place, then build on it at a pace and budget you're comfortable with.
Below are some examples of brands we've helped create.
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